Three-Quarters of Coral Reefs At Risk

As published in the SeaWeb Ocean Update March 23, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 3

Fifth Round of PICTA TIS Negotiations

PRESS RELEASE - 25th March 2011 - The fifth round of Pacific Islands Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA) trade in services negotiations was held in Koror, Palau on 16 - 18 March 2011 to negotiate further the provisions of a trade in services agreement amongst the PICTA member countries.

WHO Says Very Little Radiation Risk to the Residents of Pacific Island Countries

MANILA, 19 March 2011-The World Health Organization (WHO) has assured the Pacific island countries that there is very little risk of their being affected by any international spread of radioactive material from the stricken nuclear power plants in Japan.

Partnerships to Bring out the Best in Addressing Food Security Issues

Partnerships and synergies that will bring out the best in agencies dealing with food security issues was the focus of a workshop which was carried out at the Secretariat of the Pacific (SPC) in Suva, Fiji.

Samoa Represents Small Islands Development States on Climate Fund Committee

Press Release - The Green Climate Fund of 30 billion dollars to address climate change in developing countries was a topic for discussion at the Pacific Climate Change Roundtable in Alofi, Niue this week.

Pacific Climate Change Roundtable Welcomes Input from the Civil Society

[PCCR]17 March, Alofi, Niue - The voice of the Civil Society is being raised loud and clear at the Pacific Climate Change Roundtable in Alofi, Niue this week.

Forum Reference Group on Sexual and Gender Based Violence


Niue Hosting the Biggest Climate Change Conference for the Pacific

Press Release - Over 100 people will gather next week in Alofi, Niue to discuss an issue that is at the forefront of the region - climate change.

Pacific Islands Forum Launches 40th Anniversary

Press Statemtent - SG: "we must learn from the lessons of our past"

Greenpeace Pressure Forces Princes, Asda to Create Oceans-Friendly Sourcing Policies

Press Release - Amsterdam, 9 March 2011: Following a Greenpeace campaign that ranked Princes at the bottom of a tinned tuna sustainability league table for the UK market, the tuna giant has today announced that it will switch to supplying tuna sourced from non-destructive methods.

New Software to Support Management of the World's Largest Tuna Fisheries

Better informed fishery managers make better management decisions. This is the idea behind the software package TUMAS (TUna MAnagement Simulator), which lets anybody take control of the world's largest tuna fisheries - those of the western and central Pacific Ocean.

Resource-Rich Economies Lift Pacific's Performance - ADB Report

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The recovery in the global economy will help the Pacific economies improve in 2011.

Forum to Move Beyond Basic Education for Girls

PRESS RELEASE - 8th March 2011

Climate Change May Halve Pacific Islands' Coastal Fish Catches

Friday, 04 March 2011 - Heads of Pacific Islands' fisheries agencies heard today that climate change is predicted to cause big declines in coastal fisheries resources in the region, with potential production cut by as much as 50% by 2100.

7th SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting: Climate Change at the Forefront

Four important fisheries meetings are being held at SPC Headquarters this week.

Support for Climate Change Adaptation Core of First World Bank Strategy for Kiribati

Washington, DC, March 1, 2011 - The World Bank Board today approved the first Country Assistance Strategy for Kiribati. The strategy, which was developed in consultation with government, donors and civil society, puts climate change at the centre of the three-year plan.

Kivori Village, Confronting the Reality of Climate Change

The term 'Climate Change' is not just an abstract to the people of Kivori, it is their daily challenge.