Economic Report Indicates Some Optimism for Medium-Term Growth in Nauru

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - While Nauru will continue to rely on its relationship with donor nations, the medium-term outlook for the country's economic health is optimistic as Government reforms begin to take hold, according to the latest ADB Country Economic Report on the small Pacific island nation.

Cook Islands' Infrastructure Development Plan to Include Climate Proofing Projects

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the governments of Japan and New Zealand are helping Cook Islands prepare an infrastructure development plan that will include climate proofing projects to mitigate the impact of severe weather events.

Electronic Banking to Bring Financial Services to Vanuatu's Rural Areas

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Rural areas in Vanuatu, out of normal reach of bank branches, will soon enjoy access to modern banking services thanks to funding support from Japan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) that will bring electronic banking and card-swipe technology as close as the local shop.