Don´t kill the dolphins!!!

Dear Editor, The reason i´m writing this letter is, because killing the dolphins isn't right at all. I and many other people would love the dolphins to live. It isn't right to kill the dolphins, because...

The Transition from Religious to Atheistic Society

Thanks Mr Lasi - A point to remember, there is not one but so many gods which subsequently qualifies each and every individual an atheist depending on their god of choice. eg. A believer of the Christian...

The Transition from Religious to Atheistic Society

I find Bataitolo's commentary on Fr. Freda's Star "Lent" article very interesting. Interesting because its the first time as far as I am aware for a local coming out openly in public with hard hitting...

Earthquake and Tsunami

Bataitolo, As I do not support you or Fiuakwala in your post rather I am cautioning you for the harsh and demeaning language against him. This I consider to be rather conceited and bad. In Solomon Islands...

Earthquake and tsunami

Ferral Lasi, believe me, my response to Fiualakwa barely scraped the surface of the plethora of appropriate insults available in my vocab to describe Fiualakwa’s thoughtless babble regarding this matter. For...

Temotu Disaster

Bataitolo, Fiukwala never insulted the disaster victims of Temotu from his post. There is no evidence of this. Rather he openly expressed his personal belief that the aid donors are the agents of some...

Earthquake and tsunami

Dear Editor, One cannot help but gasp at the very insensitive and foolish comments made by a Stalin Fiulakwa on the above subject, especially in light of the suffering many families in Temotu are going...

Ash Wednesday - The Beginning of Lent

Dear Editor, Grateful for your tolerance and obligation to freedom of expression in accepting a modest request to publish few comments to accompany Fr Freda P. Seda's article entitled, ‘Ash Wednesday...

FSII and National Issues

Dear Editor, Please allow some space in your paper to share my views on the above mentioned suject. I was in Honiara when the legal battle between the FSII, Solomon Star and the Hon. Prime Minister...


I seems to have doubts that some of these disasters occur naturally. Human beings have developed in such a way that the capitalists have been working very hard to achieve a new world order according...

prayers for the Solomon Islands

Dear Editor: All of the area of the Solomon Islands are in our thoughts and prayers for the earthquake and resulting tsunami. Solomon Islands, please pray the little prayer at

Teachers Levelling

On the teachers strike, what exactly is a "relevelling" exercise? I recall having 1,000 employees. I paid increments on a performance basis. It rewards the best productive workers. Great for incentive...