PM Lilo. An Antithesis

Who is Mr Lilo and more importantly in public life, what does he represent?
Mr Lilo came in to the top job promising a fair bit - he dedicated his win to the young people of the Solomon Islands and...

Defeat of No Confidence on PM

Dear Editor,

May I thank you for allowing me a space to express a view regarding the defeat of recent Motion of no Confidence on PM Mr Lilo. I feel that at long last common sense is beginning...

Kurukuru Need Whetney

Dear Editor,

As a great fan and supporter of our national futsal team, the Kurukuru - the ban impossed on Jack Whetney is a set-back for Solomon Islands as a growing futsal power in oceania....

Lonely Planets 2013 Top 10 hot destination

Dear Editor

It been quite sometimes since we are ranked highly in any sector, and to have Solomon Islands ranked 6th by Lonely Planet is indeed an achievement that e should take advantage off...

TRC and Conflict Resolution

I have no doubt there is some basis of fact in what Dr David Gegeo said at a regional conference on democracy in the Pacific last week about a Pacific model of conflict resolution being possible, based...

Solomon Islands Politics

Dear Editor,

It is a pity that Solomon Islands politicians keeps on changing PMs in the name of national interest. The fact is, these politicians are no longer national politician but Constituency...

Tax Invasion & Tax Audit

I refer to the article entitled "Tax Invader Warned". I applaud of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue for his statement. What I need now is for him to act against those who has not been paying income tax...

Aluta Basin Project

I cannot get my head around why oil palm plantation is a project suitable for Aluta Basin. Malaita is the most populated province in the country, people survive on family gardening (root crops, vegetables...

RSIPF Deployment On UN Missions Abroad

Dear Editor,

It has fallen to the Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Walter Kola, to give a considered welcome to the news announced by the Hon. Prime Minister,...

A line on the Sand

It is unfortunate that post the royal visit, all we seem to talk about is the Cook Island 'royal attire insult' and the even more insulting cartoon that followed.
There is quite a lot of finger pointing...

Offensive cartoon

I too was bemused by the cartoon. However my one cent thought to you wantoks is this; LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF. An apology from the editor of the newspaper is not a solution to the offending,...

What a Shame! Cook Islands

Dear Editor,

As someone who follows events in the Pacific region very closely I find it very distressing that an editor of the Cook Islands newspaper dared to publish the cartoon to tarnish...

Cook Island cartoon

Can the SIG urgently request apology from Mr John Wood, the editor who ran the cartoon.
No country in the PO will accept this racial discrimination, uncivilized mentality of this cartoonist. Solomon...

Cartoon of Mockery

Dear Editor

To depict in the cartoon us as savages, and to call us stink is uncalled for by the Editor of the Cook islands newspaer. Basically thats what its say here, that we are still primitive...

Cartoon mockery deserves apology

It is really disappointing to learn something that completely disgraceful was portrayed in the Cook Islands' national media, tarnishing the cultural and national identity of Solomon Islands over matters...