Government Pledges Significant Budget for Education

Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare has pledged the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government’s commitment to maintain 20 percent of the total annual budget for the education sector in the next four years.

Reviewed Education Act to be Tabled

Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Hon. Manasseh Sogavare says the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government will table a reviewed Education Act in Parliament this year as a critical first step in reforms within the education sector.

Position on Tailing Dam Maintained

Solomon Islands, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, Meteorology and Disaster Management maintained their position that the main water at the tailing facility at the Gold Ridge Mine is unsafe.

Russian Assistance Sought Following Pam

The Vanuatu government says it is pleased with Russia's offer of assistance with the relief effort after cyclone Pam and says it has asked Russia to assist in the reconstruction phase of the recovery.

Japan Emperor visits Palau on WWII mission

Japan's imperial couple has arrived in the Pacific island nation of Palau yesterday, the site of a fearsome battle with American troops, on a rare overseas visit related to World War II.

Immigration and Labor Laws to be Reviewd

The Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government will review the country’s existing immigration and labor laws to ease challenges affecting foreign investment in Solomon Islands.

Record Holding Budget Tabled

Dubbed the "People's Budget", Solomon Islands Finance Minister, Hon. Snyder Rini has tabled the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government’s record holding $4.18 billion budget in Parliament last week.

Bechdemer Harvesting Period Extended

The Government through the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) has extended the harvesting period for sea cucumber (bech-de-mer) for an additional month on strict conditions.

Critical Factors in Elections Identified

The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission has organized the workshop in Honiara for its staff and all Provincial election officers to discuss the successes, challenges and issues experienced during the National Biometric Voter Registration process and the National General Election in 2014.

Customary Land Registration to be Re-Established

The Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government will re-establish the customary land recording and registration process as a step towards strengthening customary land ownership to make tribal lands available for economic development.

National Tourism Legislation to be Developed

The Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government will develop the country’s first ever National Tourism Legislation to ensure that tourism development in the country is environmentally, socio-culturally and economically viable.

Communities Learn to Maintain Water Systems

Communities across the Solomon Islands will be better able to construct and maintain their own water systems with the support of 27 newly trained Construction Supervisors from government and non-government organisations in all nine provinces.

Solomon Leads Humanitarian Mission to Vanuatu

The Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of states whose Secretariat is based in Brussels, Belgium has this week responded to the cyclone Pam relief appeal by the government of Vanuatu by sending a humanitarian Mission to Vanuatu.