Youth Seminar for Burns Creek

A youth seminar will be in place for young people of Burns Creek community.

The Youth Seminar organized by the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) is aimed at training youths of the community on the area of teenage pregnancy.

"We chose Burns Creek because of its increased population and unemployment rate," the Assistant Community Health Educator of SIPPA, Abel Oscar Watesao, told Solomon Times.

The aim of the seminar tomorrow is to give basic information about teenage pregnancy "and this will be for both young men and women".

Mr. Watesao who will facilitate the one day seminar said the objective is to increase knowledge and awareness on the consequences of teenage pregnancy and increase peer to peer approach among the youths.

The seminar will cover seven topics related to teenage pregnancy for fifteen young participants between 15 - 24 years old.

"The 15 youths that we have selected are all uneducated and at the end of the seminar, we expect them to understand the topic and be able to explain and discuss the issue with other youths in the community."

Tomorrow's seminar will be the first for SIPPA hold talks at Burns Creek.