Young Lady Creates a Milestone

The Solomon Islands Sasape International Shipyard has announced its new General Manager yesterday as Ms. Rachel Ramoifuila.

Ms. Rachel Ramoifuila who is still in her 20s creates another milestone for the young women of Solomon Islands.

Ms Ramoifuila said she didn't expect the announcement but is happy about it. Ms Ramoifuila is currently working at the Silent World group of companies in Honiara as the company's Operations Manager.

Acknowledging her bosses and co-workers for the new job, she said her recognition came about because of the long hours, effort and hard work that they all spent together working at Silent World.

Ms Ramoifuila will take up her new role as Sasape International Shipyard's General Manager at their headquarters at Tulagi in the Central Province.

Meanwhile, on the Forum Solomon Islands Facebook Page, congratulatory messages are flying in from all over the globe of the achievement of the young lady.