You Are Targeting the Wrong People: SICHE Director

Mr Ha'amori stressed that SICHE is merely the students' trainer and not the sponsor.Joy Basi

The Solomon Islands College of Higher Education (SICHE) is under increasing pressure to act on demands placed on them by protesting students, one of which is an increase in allowance.

Much of the anger and frustration by the student protestors were directed at Mrs. Susan Maezama, the Education Departments Head of School. Students are said to be increasingly dissatisfied with the way in which she has handled their grievances.

The student council has reportedly asked Mrs. Susan Maezama to step down down pending a SICHE School Council decision this Friday. The Director of SICHE was not able to neither confirm nor deny these reports.

Mr Ha'amori however stated that the students are targeting the wrong people. "SICHE is not responsible for the rate of students allowance...issued by government to its sponsored students at the School of Education."

The Director says the best SICHE could do is to meet with the students sponsors, which is the Ministry of Education. Mr Ha'amori said that it would act only on issues that fall within the College's administration duties.

Mr Ha'amori stressed that SICHE is merely the students' trainer and not the sponsor and any issue in relation to allowance increase or decrease is outside of the college administration.