Work on Tobacco Act Implementation Begins

The Solomon Islands Tobacco Control Act recently passed by Parliament will be effective from January 1st, 2012.

As part of its preparations for the implementations, the Ministry of Health through its first workshop this week had begun working with its key partners for the initial enforcement of the Act.

According to the Ministry of Health's Under Secretary, Dr. Cedric Alependava the workshop was to plan directions to educate the people of Solomon Islands about the Tobacco Control Act.

Dr Alependava says the workshop also will allow participants to focus on how public education will be conducted as well as looking into regulations on selling and marketing of tobacco and charges related to the issue.

He says the public must be fully informed of the Tobacco Control Act before its implementation on January 1st 2012.

Millions of people die from tobacco-related diseases worldwide each year. Among others, the Act will impose some restrictions on where one can smoke, especially in public areas and offices.