We Understand the Risks: SIPRA

Solomon Islands Party for Rural Advancement, SIPRA, has launched its campaign platform for this year's national general election.

SIPRA is an existing political party and also a partner to the coalition of C-NURA government.

During the launch the party's president and former member for North New Georgia, Job Dudley Tausinga, said the occasion marked SIPRA announcing its intention to contest the 2010 national general election.

Mr Tausinga said SIPRA might not know every issues and problems affecting the country but it knows the risks.

He said his party knows the risk associated with trade imbalances that have continued to mark the economic position of the country.

Mr Tausinga assured the country that his party is committed in engaging rural people and communities to participate in economic activities.

He said that his party believes in development from the bottom and upwards.