UNICEF to Assist in Plans for Youth Parliament

A UNICEF Technical Assistance, Ms Musia Vave has arrived in the Solomon Islands to assist the government's proposed plan to establish a youth Parliament in the Country.

The Director for Youth in the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs, Mr. Anisitolo confirmed that Ms Vave will be have briefings with the youth committee on Monday 13th to discuss the terms of reference.

In a previous interview with the Assistance Youth Development Officer, Luke Memua, he said that Ms Vave will be looking through the concept paper to see if there are changes required.

He said that she will be basically setting out a structure of how the Youth Parliament should operate from the provincial to the national level.

He said the consultant will actually be responsible to review the concept paper as to whether or not the proposed structure and system would be workable in Solomon Islands.

Memua added that after the concept paper has been finalized, a ten-member taskforce team would be sent to the provinces to carry out public awareness on the details of the youth parliament's proposed structure and system.

He told the Express that the preparatory work on the proposed Youth parliament is funded by UNICEF and the SIG will take over during the actual implementation phase.

According to Memua, the TA, through the quality experience she has on youth parliament, is going to play a vital role on the establishment of a proposed youth parliament in the country.

National Express