Two-way Radios for Rural Women in Solomons

The Women's Resource Centres in all the provinces will now be able to communicate with the hand-over of 10 two-way radios.

Initiated by the Soroptimist International Solomon Islands, each province will have a Women's Resource Centre, purposely for rural women to have a place to meet.

The two-way radios for the Centres was made possible with the initiative of the Soroptimist International group in Honiara with AusAID through the Community Sector Programme, and funded by the European Union (EU) Micro Project.

Speaking at the hand-over ceremony, the Vice President of the National Council of Women, Mrs. Jenny Tuhaika, said the two-way radios will be distributed to the Women's Resource Centres in the provinces.

"This will improve the communication component in the provincial sectors, which is break-through for women in the Solomons," Mrs. Tuhaika said.

She added that it is also a break-through in the means of communicating more effectively with all the provincial Women's Resource Centres.

EU Micro Project representative, Augustine Mete, said the project noted the importance to facilitate women in a more direct way.

The radios will be kept at the NCW head office in Honiara and will be sent to the provinces as soon as the Centres are completed.

The EU-funded project cost a total of SBD$196,000.