Two Men Arrested at Tetere Kwaso Raid

Police pouring out litres of home brewed Kwaso destined for the streets of Honiara. Photo Supplied

Police yesterday raided a private residence at Soso village at Tetere and arrested two men aged in their 30s for illegally brewing the home brewed liquor, Kwaso.

Police also confiscated supplies and equipments used to make the Kwaso. The two men gave themselves up to Police when officers from Tetere Police and the Honiara Liquor Squad unit confronted them.

Assistant Commissioner Operations Eddie Sikua said police have charged the two suspects with "restriction on making liquor."

"Making and selling kwaso has a serious impact on our community causing unnecessary disorderly behaviour, street crime and violence so these arrests are significant," Mr Sikua said.

"Police also confiscated 750 litres of kwaso and brewing equipment including 38 plastic containers which can hold between 20 and 25 litres."

"Investigators believe other men are involved in local kwaso brewing operations in Tetere and hope to make further arrests soon," Mr Sikua said.

"We ask responsible community members to assist with any information to help stop the damaging social and health impacts of kwaso on our communities," he said.

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