TSI Commends PM for Seeking to Reform RCDF

The Ministry of Rural Development confirmed to TSI that they have received directions to ensure that funds are not deposited into the hands of MPs.Photo Supplied

Transparency Solomon Islands, TSI, commends the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, Danny Phillip for promising to reform the Rural Constituency Development Fund, RCDF.

TSI Executive Officer, Fox Qwaina, says the organisation has been calling on the government to keep these funds out of the hands of members of Parliament.

He says management of cash funds is not the role of the country's law makers.

The Ministry of Rural Development confirmed to TSI that they have received directions to ensure that funds are not deposited into the hands of MPs.

Mr Qwaina says earlier this year TSI wrote to the President of Taiwan seeking his assistance to ensure that the Taiwan funded RCDF was not provided direct to MPs as this was perceived to be a major source of corruption.

He says TSI appreciates the support provided by Taiwanese Ambassador George Chan in supporting the call that funds not be placed in the hands of MPs.

TSI understands that the RCDF will be directed through the Ministry of Rural Development as is the livelihood fund.

Mr Qwaina says TSI would like to see a professional body, with the necessary capacity, take full responsibility of the RCDF.

"This is to ensure that it reaches the rural people and it also ensures that the funds are used for genuine constituency based developmental projects and initiatives, in a transparent and accountable manner."