Transparency Solomon Islands Commends Government

Transparency Solomon Islands, T-S-I, has commended the government for its commitment to create an Anti-Corruption Task Force.

The role of this Task Force is to formulate workable policies to curb corruption, including the proposed creation of an Independent Commission against Corruption.

TSI says it's important that the taskforce does not focus only on Independent Commission against Corruption.

TSI says the Commission needs to also consider other possible ways of reducing corruption through both prevention and prosecution.

It says the task force will need to deal with the accusations of corruption as well as looking at the factors that fuel corruption and what can be put in place, both in legislation and administration to prevent corruption.

Transparency Solomon Islands says currently there are numerous incidents of corruption that are not addressed properly or brought to prosecution, this issue must also be addressed by the taskforce.

TSI looks forward to working with other relevant parties and agencies as part of the Anti-Corruption Task Force.

TSI says it will work hard to ensure that the outcomes reached are in the best interest of reducing corruption and promoting transparency, accountability and good governance in the country.

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