Tougher Business Laws Called For

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce says tougher law enforcement is needed to stop foreigners taking jobs that are reserved for the country’s citizens.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber, Jerry Tengemoana, says authorities have failed to enforce the law effectively.

He says more and more foreigners are taking advantage of businesses such as the taxi and bus services which only Solomon Islanders can register to operate. Earlier this month a bus licence for a Chinese businessman was confiscated, after it was believed he by-passed the law to gain it.

Jerry Tengemoana says the indigenous population lacks the capability of competing against foreigners and says the government needs to do more to support its own people.

“Do some reforms, revisit the regulations and put more efforts into enforcing them. I think that’s the area that’s really weak is the enforcement of their own laws. There’s no point in putting through a piece of law that is not enforced.”

Jerry Tengemoana says the government also needs to review its business licence records and conduct spot checks to ensure people are complying with the law. 

