Theft Compromises Bridge Safety

The permanent secretary of the ministry of infrastructure development has expressed disappointment over the theft of specially designed fences at the entrance of bridges over Tamboko and Sasa river.

Moses Virivolomo explains that the fences are designed specifically to manage debris in times of heavy downpour. He says without the fence the bridge is compromised.

“This could result in the river moving either east or west of the bridge causing widespread flooding, the fence and build up of debris acts as a buffer, redirecting the river to its normal path,” said Mr Virivolomo.

He says the theft is unfortunate and his ministry is working with police and the community to recover the removed parts of the fences belonging to the recently completed bridges.

The recently completed bridges are part of the Solomon Islands Road Improvement Project, SIRIP, which seeks to improve and maintain120 km of roads and building or upgrading over 70 bridges and other water crossings.

SIRIP is managed by the Solomon Islands Government and the Asian Development Bank and is supported by Australia, New Zealand and the Asian Development Bank.