Temotu Premier to Face Motion of No Confidence

Temotu Provincial Premier Johnson Levela will face a motion of no confidence in the province's full assembly today.

SIBC's Andrew Nalua reports from Lata that the motion will be moved by Edward Daiwo, Provincial member for Vaiakao Ward Two.

Premier Levela and Provincial Speaker, Gabriel Teao, agreed on the date for the motion, which was tabled last Friday.

Mr. Nalua says serious allegations of misuse of public funds will be used as some of the reasons they are calling on the provincial premier to step down, a claim Mr. Levela repeatedly deny.

He reports that the Premier by Monday afternoon still lacks the majority to run a government but can only be proved after the motion is tabled because there have been movements between the two sides of the assembly.

Meanwhile, reports from Lata says that the leader of the non executive group, Francis Badnogo, has indicated a line-up ministerial portfolios and a candidate to be the Premier.

Temotu Provincial Premier, Mr. Levela, says that the non-executive members of the provincial assembly have been using money to lure MPAs to join them.

He accuses the leader of the group and the sacked deputy provincial Premier Francis Badnogo for using the Temotu Nende's Rural Constituency Development Fund to lure members to join his group.

Mr. Levela says he will answer all allegations leveled against him and allow members to decide for themselves who to believe.

He says he will accept [today's] voting on the motion of no confidence in his executive.

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