Temotu Experience Food Shortage

Provincial leaders in Temotu are calling for a speedy response from the government, particularly the national disaster management office (NDMO), on its current food crises.

The Temotu Province's Home Affairs Minister, Stanley Pehi, says they have been receiving complaints from people in the Reef Islands and other parts of Vatu of very poor harvest due to bad weather.

"We were hit by bad weather most of this year, so this has affected our crops, so this is an urgent situation," said Mr Pehi.

Mr Pehi says the Provincial Government had submitted a thorough report to the National Government on the plight of its people, which he says has become desperate.

Meanwhile, the NDMO says the assessment report has been passed through to the National Disaster Operations Committee. They say the report will then be tabled in Cabinet before funds are raised.

The NDMO admits that they do not have the necessary manpower to respond in a timely manner but are doing all it can.