Recent flooding in parts of Guadalcanal Province has brought fear of not just recurring natural disaster but also of haunting experiences.
During a visit to the affected areas, Solomon Times was informed of haunting experiences in Takaboru village following the floods that has washed away properties including the community's grave yard."We believe that souls have been disturbed as the grave yard got washed away by heavy flooding," Ricoh Bao of nearby Tanaro village said.
He said people fear returning to Takaboru following the disaster as "we can hear noises like people talking, like the village is alive, that is why villagers fear returning."
He said noises happen "after hours" and people wishing to visit the village prefer going before dark.
Mr. Bao who sometimes live in Takaboru village claim that people are seen walking around the near-empty community after dark.
"Stories are circulating of the haunted village so there is fear on ideas of re-settling at the moment."
Mr. Bao shared on an experience of a man visiting the village who felt a hand coming from behind him, "thinking that it was his wife, he turned around to find no one behind him."
The 25-year-old said that the flood may be God's way of telling people of the village to change.
"The flood is like God speaking to the village to turn back to Him and do away with all activities that is against the Christine beliefs," he said.