Support for Choiseul Women

Women of Supizae village in North West Choiseul Province will now be able to create their own small business with help from the European Union Micro Project Phase II.

Solomon Times Online's Gina Maka'a reports from Choiseul Province, quoting an elderly, Michael Kure, as urging women of the Wesleyan Women's Ministry Club to "look after the sewing machines" received on Wednesday.

"[This is] an inspiration to women of Supizae and their young generation to sew and start their own business to earn income for themselves," Mr. Kure reminded women at the handover ceremony.

He encouraged all the women to start small and expand in the communities surrounding Choiseul.

Meanwhile, government representative, Hugo Hebala, of the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination said that the handing over ceremony is another milestone and is an ongoing effort in developing the rural Solomon Islands.

"With the continuous support of our development partners such as the EU, the government will continue to try and address development as an aspiration of our people especially in the rural areas [which] is in line with CNURA Government's Rural Advancement Policy," he said.

He said CNURA government's policy goal on women affairs is to uphold and promote the rights of women through effective partnership and strong commitment which is to create equal opportunities for all to advance the well being of the nation.

Mr. Hebala added that the government is also working hard to increase the capacity of women to achieve gender equality, and women's empowerment in order for women to equally participate in the development of individuals, families, communities and the nation.

He said the Wesleyan Women's Ministry Club is "a step forward in the right direction" to fulfill goals that will help push women forward.