The government House has received two nominations for the Prime Minister's elections at the close of nominations on Friday afternoon.
The Governor General's Private Secretary, Nigel Maezama made the official announcement on Friday at the close of nomination."The first candidate is Honourable Steven William Abana and he was nominated by Honourable Andrew Hanaria Keniasina, Honourable Clay Forau Soalaoi, Honourable Derek Sikua and Honourable, Job Dudley Tausinga. Honourable Danny Philip was nominated by Honourable Varian Lonamei, Honourable Hypolite Taremae, Honourable Peter Shanel Agovaka and Honourable Jackson Fiulaua."
Mr Abana is the member of Parliament for Fataleka on Malaita and Mr Philip is MP for Rendova Tetepare in the Western Province.
Mr Abana is the care-taker Minister for Development Planning and Aid Coordination. The ninth Parliament is his second term in Parliament.
Mr Philip the Member of Parliament for South New Georgia-Rendova-Tetepare is a veteran politician who had in the past served four terms in Parliament from 1984 to 2001.
For eight years from 1984 to 1993 he was the MP for Vona Vona-Rendova-Tetepare and the other eight years from 1994 to 2001 he was MP for South New Georgia-Rendova-Tetepare.
Members of Parliament will choose the next Prime Minister Wednesday this week.
Danny Philip is the official candidate for those camping at the Pacific Casino, Honiara Hotel and Mendana while Steve Abana is the official candidate for those camping at the Heritage Park Hotel.
Both sides have claimed to have the numbers to form government, although many political analysts say there will be intense lobbying by both sides until the eleventh hour.