Stay Away From Moon Festival: PAEA

A Christian organization operating in the Pacific and Asia Region has joined other Christian churches in Solomon Islands in condemning Reverend Moon as well as his activities in the country and the up coming Global Peace Festival planned for this week-end at Lawson Tama.

The organization is known as the Pacific Asia Evangelistic Association (PAEA) which draws its membership from within the Asia and Pacific Region.

A spokesman for the organization calls on all Solomon Islands Christians to stay away from Reverend Moon and his activities in Solomon Islands more so, the Global Peace Festival.

A PAEA spokesman said that PAEA was surprised that some Christians including some Church leaders in Solomon Islands have joined Reverend Moon's activities when Moon is clearly contradicting everything the Bible says about Jesus the founder of the Christian Faith.

"For example, Moon is saying that Jesus was a failure because he did not finish the work he was sent by God to do, when it is clearly recorded in the Gospels that on the Cross Jesus said 'it is finished.' Meaning that he had accomplished his mission to fulfill the law and what the Psalms and the prophets had said about him."

The spokesman said that the four Gospels also referred to Jesus as "the true son of God who was also truly human, the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings, the truth, the way, the life, and the light."

PAEA described Reverend Moon as the agent of the devil and called on all Solomon Islands Christians to keep away from "the Devil and Anti Christ" adding that everything that Reverend Moon had said and done had all been unscriptural.

The spokesman said that Reverend Moon was using money and other material benefits and the scriptures to deceive and penetrate the Christian family in the same way that Satan also tried to use the scriptures in the Book of Deuteronomy and the Psalms in his temptation of Jesus in the wilderness.

"The Bible refers to Jesus as the Prince of Peace and Reverend Moon is using that same scriptural description of Jesus to name his "Global Peace Festival" as a way to deceive, blind and to lure our people away from the truth," said the PAEA spokesman.

"John 10:10 says that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy and the Devil will use a person to do that," the spokesman said.

Meanwhile, practicing ministers fraternal are holding more meetings in Honiara to work out strategies to support their call on all Solomon Islands Christians to boycott the Moon Global Peace Festival at Lawson Tama this coming weekend.

The organizers have also organized a Global Peace Soccer Competition which one Christian described as playing soccer with the Devil.

One of the organizers of this weekend's festival has refuted these statements saying that they are merely here to promote peace. "We have held similar Peace Festivals in various countries around the World...people should attend and make up their own minds."

Source: With National Express