SPC Confident Solomon Islands Will Successfully Host festival

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community's giving Solomon Islands its full support and commitment to help prepare for the hosting of next year's Pacific Arts Festival.

A festival organizer says the media's been reporting concerns about the country's hosting capability since 2008.

But the SPC's director general, Dr Jimmie Rodgers, says it's very confident that Solomon Islands will be ready in time for the July 2012 event.

"Most countries hosting the festivals usually struggle right up until about 18 to 15 months before the festival and then adrenaline sets in and they have a much more focused and dedicated attention to making sure that they meet the milestones. So if the same happens with the Solomons we don't have any doubt that Solomon's will be able to pull this off."

Dr Jimmie Rodgers says Solomon Islands have mobilized a quarter of the resources it needs to host the festival and is meeting its preparation milestones.