The Solomon Islands Rugby Union Federation (SIRUF) is embarking on its outreach project funded by the Australian Government through its Pacific Sports Outreach Program.
The SIRUF President and Development Officer were in Auki for two days last week to conduct the first coaching/refereeing courses.The courses were attended by 11 coaches/referees from Auki and its neighboring communities who expressed satisfaction over the courses.
SIRUF Development Officer will make a second visit to Auki end of the year to complete the training.
"The tour was very fruitful and we are looking at having one more tour to the province later on in the year," Nick Hatigeva of the SIRUF said.
The tour was also used for the SIRUF President to meet with the current Interim Committee of Malaita Rugby Union Association (MRUA) to discuss some matters.
Discussions included the election of a full Executive which the Interim President Mr. Chris Swaga had proposed to hold in a week's time, looking into the idea of establishing a junior rugby development program in the province and discussing matters regarding the upcoming Solomon Games rugby competition.
A tour will also be taken to Gizo in the Western Province tomorrow for the same course and for the President to meet with the Western Provincial Rugby Union Association (WPRUA) executive.
The tour is part of the Solomon Islands Rugby Outreach Project funded by the Australian Government and is mainly intended to start the IRB courses for local coaches and referees in the Province.