Solomons Miss Out on World Youth Tour 2009

The Solomon Islands will not participate in the World Youth Tour Program 2009, aboard the Japanese cruise liner, Nippon Maru.

The World Youth Tour is an annual event where youths around the world participate in.

The Ministry for Women, Youth and Children has been the focal point for the organization of participants of the tour. According to the Youth Development Officer, Mr. Luke Memua, the Japanese Embassy has advised them to skip the participation for 2009.

Skipping participation for 2009 was so another country in the region who has not taken part, could be given the chance to experience this very unique and educational world tour. However, Solomon Islands will be given the chance to participate again in 2010.

"Application forms for the 2010 trip will be made available in June 2009. The Ministry will pick representatives from the Government sector, the private sector, the media, the music industry and a student. Eleven participants are usually chosen therefore everyone is encouraged to apply so as to showcase the diverse culture we have which in the past has attracted a lot of interest," says Mr. Memua.

The 2009 World Youth tour includes countries from New Zealand, Australia, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and many other countries around the world.

The tour usually run for three months where many countries are visited and many cultures experienced, which is why the trip has been dubbed the 'floating university.'