Solomon Islands Climate Change and Disaster Risk Finance Assessment Report Released

Solomon Islands, as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) and Least Developed Country (LDC), requires up-scaled and targeted financial resources to be able to effectively respond to the adverse effects of climate change and disasters. Supplied

Climate change and disaster risk management are issues of high priority to the Solomon Islands Government, given the current and future impacts expected, and the associated risks posed to natural ecosystems such as coastal and marine environments, fisheries, agriculture, water resources, health, biodiversity, infrastructure and industry.

Solomon Islands, as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) and Least Developed Country (LDC), requires up-scaled and targeted financial resources to be able to effectively respond to the adverse effects of climate change and disasters. In recognition of this, the Solomon Islands Government requested for this Climate Change and Disaster Risk Finance Assessment to be undertaken, in order to complement current efforts that are being progressed at the national level.

The assessment, and this resulting report, will assist the Solomon Islands Government and its partners in clarifying the national climate change and disaster risk finance landscape; who the key partners are; how to better manage and up-scale climate change and disaster risk finance; take stock of, update and strengthen current policies and plans, institutions, and public financial management systems; and to make informed decisions for budget planning prioritisation and effective coordination.

The Solomon Islands Climate Change and Disaster Risk Finance Assessment was guided by the Pacific Climate Change Finance Assessment Framework (PCCFAF), which reviewed the climate change and disaster risk finance program of Solomon Islands against seven key pillars: (i) policies and plans, (ii) funding sources, (iii) public financial management and expenditure, (iv) institutions, (v) human capacity, (vi) gender and social inclusion, and (vii) development effectiveness.

This report comes at an opportune time, as new climate financing mechanisms are operationalised and the international community works towards the commitment by developed countries to jointly mobilise USD 100 billion annually in climate finance from 2020. Nevertheless, this assessment is not just to facilitate improved access to climate change and disaster risk finance. More broadly, strengthening country systems will improve donor confidence to engage with Solomon Islands and catalyse the achievement of the sustainable development goals, which are linked to the national priorities of Solomon Islands as outlined in the National Development Strategy 2016–2035 (NDS).

The assessment has identified a number of recommendations for the Solomon Islands Government, which are summarised below and discussed in detail in the report. A draft Action Plan is also included, providing clear timeframes and suggested responsibilities for the implementation that is assigned to each recommendation. This is intended to assist the Solomon Islands Government in the progression of these recommendations, with the support of key partners.
