Two Solomon Islanders will be travelling to Israel on Friday under a short term scholarship programme.
They are Jackson Gege from Malaita Province and Wilson Ninivae from Rennell Bellona Province.Honorary Consul of Israel in Solomon Islands Leliana Firisua says Mr Gege will undertake training in relations to assistance sought by Malaita Province with Israel.
Malaita Province is putting together an Economic Stimulus Package and it is seeking help including technical assistance from Israel.
Rennell Bellona's Principal Agriculture Officer, Wilson Ninivae, is travelling to Israel in relation to the Province's request for Israel to assist deal with pests that have destroyed the two main crops of the province - coconut and taro.
Mr Firisua says the two officers will return in July.
He says other officers from Malaita Provinces will undertake similar scholarships training later this year.