Skies Clearing for Solomon Islands

The skies are starting to clear up for the Solomon Islands as Cyclone Ului starts moving away from the country.

But work has only just begun for the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) as they prepare to dispatch rapid assessment teams to the Provinces of Rennell and Bellona, Makira, Malaita, Isabel, Guadalcanal and Temotu.

Each multisectoral team from the sectors of Agriculture, Health, Infrastructure, Education and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) together with the Police and Red Cross will be carrying out the assessments. The assessments will determine the amount of damage caused to various areas of the Provinces.

Reports reaching NDMO stated that various damages were experienced for the Provinces. There were destruction of houses for various areas in Guadalcanal and Rennell and Bellona. Water sources in some communities of Isabel were damaged because of landslide or fallen trees. All provinces experienced destruction to some of their food gardens as well as heavy rains and winds and very rough seas with high swells.

The Cyclone warning and watch are still current for all Provinces as the Solomon Islands Meteorology and the National Disaster Management Office continue to monitor the situation.