SIPF Keen to Work Closely With Security Firms

The Solomon Islands Police Force (SIPF) has indicated that it may be willing to work closely with security firms operating within Honiara.

The Acting Police Commissioner, Mr. Peter Marshall has acknowledged that alot of criminal activities in Honiara have been handled effectively by these security firms.

Mr. Marshall stated that he had already met up with a number of the chief executives of these security firms to express his appreciation on their cooperation in curbing crime in the capital city.

However, he stated that in order for the police to establish close working relationship with these security firms, there is a need for it to be regulated properly, "that is something to be seriously looked at," he added.

Mr. Marshall said that security firms overseas are professionals who "even have their names checked before they enter the industry...they must be checked to make sure they do not have any criminal records," he said. Mr. Marshall stated that security firms in the Solomon Islands should apply similar policies.

He said that security recruits should also have proper trainings and proper uniform. "The most important thing is, they must make sure that they know what their powers are," he said.