SIEA to Light Up National Color for Trade Show

Solomon Islands Electricity Authority, SIEA, is currently working at the KG fields in preparations for the National Trade and Cultural Show.

The coming show will coincide with Solomon Islands' 30th Anniversary, dubbed by most as "one special event" for everyone.

Speaking with an electricity lines worker from the SIEA, Lawrence Afo said that the celebrations will be one of the biggest event faced by the people of Solomon Islands.

Mr. Afo said that to mark the "very special event", their team has been assigned to set up lines of bulbs in the color of Solomon Islands' flag.

He said that they are expected to finish their job by Sunday evening and the lights should be turned on when night falls.

"We have connected all the villages set up for the Trade Show grounds and everyone is excited," he told Solomon Times.

Mr. Afo also said that they were making sure that the job be done perfectly before the official opening of the show.

"We want to make sure that there are no weak supplies of power during the event, so we have balanced the supply of powers from two transformers," said Mr. Afo.