Sexual Reproductive Health Centre Opens for Children

Save the Children will officially open a sexual and reproductive health resource centre in Honiara today.

Located at Honiara High School, the centre will be used to facilitate peer education and sexual reproductive health education to children who do not attend school.

It will provide child friendly information on reproductive health, sexually transmitted infections, HIV and AIDS, and also cater for school groups and individuals.

The centre has been built in partnership with Honiara High School and will boast interactive games, books, magazines and videos.

The centre, which forms part of the ogranisation's Peer-to-Peer Education Project, is funded by the Secretariat of the Pacific Communities and aims to reduce risk taking behavior and vulnerabilities to HIV and STI among children aged 10 to 16 years.

Having such a centre could also help curb increasing numbers of unwanted pregnancies, rising rates of unsafe abortion, which poses a clear risk to the lives of women and children.

It would also ensure that Solomon Islands meets the MDGs and improve population health in Solomon Islands.