Seeing is believing, says Weary Voter

Meet Jill, a mother of 3 with a grandchild on the way. She has participated in four elections, each time she is disappointed, each time she gets tired of all the promises and no delivery.

“I am close to my 50s, I have been voting since my late 30s, I did not want to vote but my cousin was a candidate so I decided to vote, he was unlucky but I have kept on voting since,” she says, looking away every now and then, maybe checking if anyone was listening.

“I have supported one candidate who won, all I got from him was several roofing iron, I did not ask for it but it was distributed during his term.”

She says that during that time she gave up on seeking assistance just because assistance is given based on what the MP feels they should receive.

“So few times we got some rice for Christmas, but that was it, I would have wanted a sewing machine, our church group always orders from a lady in Honiara, but it is something I can do and maybe earn some money.”

Jill says that MPs should take time to talk to their people, find out what they want and help them that way.

“I think MPs should spend more time assessing the needs of their people, and assist them on what they want,” she says.

“I think people who go into power should not forget those who put them there, if they always maintain contact with the people and listen to their needs, I do not think they will need to campaign if they do that.”

She says that this time around she has spent time assessing the various candidates, what they have done to the community over the years, and what people thought of them.

“I want to be sure that who I vote will remember us, and not forsake us once they win, the one I am voting for is a person that has helped the community for many years, and I have seen it with my own eyes."

She says she has had it with those that promise alot, now she is looking for someone that has the people at heart.

“We just want leaders that are interested in us not just before elections, but during their time as MP,” she said.

“That to me is a leader.”