Secondary School 15s and 7s Rugby Update

The following are the fixtures and results of the Secondary School 15s and 7s Rugby League.

For the 15s league results, King George VI defeated Koloale by 15 points to nil on Tuesday the 16th. On Friday 19 September, St. Joseph Tenaru defeated White River by 17 points to 3.

Today, the 23rd, Honiara High will come up against Bishop Epalle and St. Joseph Tenaru will take on Bishop Epalle on Friday the 26 of September.

For the Secondary 7's League results, three matches were organized last week, however only two matches were able to be played as one team did not turn up for the other match.

According to the SIRUF, Koloale Junior division defeated St. Joseph by 19 points to 10, while the second match saw King George VI scoring four tries to beat Burns Creek 26 points to 14. The final match was awarded to St. Joseph Tenaru on forfeiture.

Three Rugby 7s matches have been organized for Thursday 25th. The first match will be played by Bishop Epalle and St. John (Jnr), the second match will be between White River and Burns Creek (Jnr) and the third match will be between White River and Bishop Epalle (Snr).

Press Release (SIRUF)

