Seasonal Workers Departed for Australia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday farewelled its first batch of Solomon Islands seasonal workers to Australia under the Pacific Seasonal Workers pilot scheme facilitated by the Ministry's External Trade department.

Congratulating the selected workers, Foreign Affairs Deputy Secretary, Bernard Bata'anisia reminded them that they have been selected because they had met all the requirements and skills required for the task ahead of them.

Mr Bata'anisia reminded the workers that they will be joining other workers from the Pacific in this scheme therefore they have an important responsibility to showcase their talents and skills so that they can demonstrate that Solomon Islanders can also do the work.

He said Solomon Islands already has seasonal workers in New Zealand under the New Zealand arrangements and hundreds of nationals have been to New Zealand to work in various New Zealand farms.

The Australian Seasonal Workers Pogramme is expected to build on the New Zealand success and hope more of our nationals can also take full advantage of the opportunities under the Australian Seasonal Workers Program.

The selected workers under the scheme will leave for Tasmania, Australia tomorrow.