School Project a Gift

The success of the Nukiki Classroom Block Project through European Union's Micro Projects Phase II is "a gift for people of Nukiki."

Speaking at last Thursday's hand-over, Member of Parliament of Choiseul Province, Clement Kengava, said education is not merely educating the mind [but] it is about training and discipline.

He said that in order to succeed, students must balance their lives spiritually, physically, mentally and socially.

Mr. Kengava said Nukiki Primary school belongs to the community therefore everybody needs to support each other in order to succeed.

"Communities who do not work together won't succeed which only shows a divided community."

He promised people of Nukiki that he will provide 2 water tanks for the school so that children attending Nukiki Primary school will also have safe drinking water.

Meanwhile, the school headmaster of Nukiki, Lister Kaesolomo, described the classroom project as "a souvenir from EU."

He said that although facing many financial obstacles, funding from aid donors, especially EU, has enabled them to finish their classroom which they have struggled for so long to complete.