RSIPF Welcome 27 Graduate Police Officers

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has proudly welcomed 27 Police new recruits officers who graduated in front of colleagues and family members at Police Headquarters, Rove yesterday morning.

The ceremony, led by Police Commissioner Peter Marshall, officially marked the milestone of the recruits successfully completing 17 weeks' intensive training at the Police Academy.

Special guests included the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services Mr Henry Pika, the Honourable Lord Mayor of Honiara City Andrew Mua, SICA President Reverend Takila, Special Coordinator Mr. Graeme Wilson and PPF Commander Wayne Buchhorn.

They joined RSIPF and PPF officers, and family members at Rove to witness the graduates march on the parade ground to the beat of the RSIPF Police Band.

Police Commissioner Peter Marshall awarded the baton of honour to Probationary Police Constable Laisalyn Mua for being the outstanding candidate of the group.

He congratulated the new recruits on their achievement and urged them to uphold their oath and high standards of conduct to fairly, honestly and responsibly represent the RSIPF whilst serving the community in their future work.