RSIPF Band Receives Australian Army Band Instruments

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Band today will receive several instruments formerly played by members of Australian Army Bands. In a restructuring of the Australian Army, some Australian Army Bands were disbanded, and their instruments deployed to other Military and Police Bands.

In the handing over ceremony this afternoon, Wing Commander Wendy Horder will hand over several instruments to Deputy Commissioner Walter Kola performing the duties of Commissioner. It is hoped the instruments will serve the RSIPF Band well and a new breath of life will see them polished and played with pride.

The project to get the instruments here has taken many months and was supported by the Australian Federal Police who funded the cost of freight.

Wing Commander Horder said "there have always been strong ties between the Australian Army Bands and the RSIPF band and we are honoured to continue this relationship. We hope these instruments continue to be played long and loud well into the future."