Thirty four new houses for police families will soon be replacing the current police barracks at Rove and other priority locations in the provinces as part of the new RAMSI - NZAID Police Housing Project launched today.
The Executive Director of NZAID, Mr Peter Adams made the announcement today at Rove Police Headquarters."I am pleased to be here to announce that New Zealand, through our partnership with Solomon Islands Government and RAMSI, will fund the construction of thirty four new houses for SIPF, to replace these Barracks, here at Rove and elsewhere."
Acting Special Coordinator, Jonathan Austin welcomed the initiative in his opening remarks.
"RAMSI has done a lot of work in stablising law and order but there is much that still needs to be done which is why we welcome the initiative of the New Zealand Government to work in partnership with RAMSI and the Solomon Islands Government to build houses for the police."
Acting Police Commissioner Walter Kola also acknowledged the contribution from New Zealand and pledged good management of the new houses.
"New Zealand's contribution towards police housing marks a significant milestone in addressing this most important need for improving police capability," Mr Kola said.
"In accepting this generous contribution I would like to assure the Government of New Zealand and the people of the Solomon Islands that the executive and management of the Police Force will use all the powers available to it to ensure that these houses will be properly managed and maintained."
Mr Austin said the project was a good example exactly the kind of partnership between donors, RAMSI and the Solomon Islands Government we are working towards.
Mr Adams said the commitment by Solomon Islands Government as a partner in the project was critical if the good progress made by SIPF with the assistance of RAMSI in strengthening the police force is to be sustained.
"The provision of adequate housing is not only about ensuring a functional police force across the country; it is also about respecting and valuing these hardworking, committed men and women."