The only woman in the Solomon Islands National Parliament, Mrs. Vika Lusibaea says having reserved seats for women may not be necessary if women can get the support from men.
The second women Parliamentary won the by-election in North Malaita after the sitting member, her husband Jimmy Lusibaea, was jailed on a violence charge.Speaking in Parliament for the first time Mrs Lusibaea urged women to prepare early and work with the grassroots to achieve success during elections.
The MP says she is confident that it is possible for any woman to win an election in the country without having to request for the reserved seats.
Mrs Vika says she believes that the secret lies in the partnership between the husband and wife and speaking the language of the people and sharing the struggle of our rural people.
The MP says she hopes that her election win will be a motivation to other aspiring women who plan to contest in 2014 to start planning now.