The premier of Renbel Province Timothy Johnston Peseika has again pledged his government's support to disaster management work in his province.
He also reaffirmed his government's commitment to give a piece of land to the government to build a disaster office in the Province.Premier Peseika told participants of the three-day workshop which started yesterday that this is because of their appreciation of the threats which disasters pose to his province and Solomon Islands.
The Premier also urged the workshop participants to go home after the workshop and share their new skills and knowledge so that their communities can better prepare for future disasters.
The Premier also thanked the national government for making the training available to the communities of West and East Rennell - a very remote Province of Solomon Islands.
The three-day workshop is being held at the Kiakoe lodge by the lake Tegano which is owned and operated by Lence Tango, the Provincial Assembly member for ward 3 of the Renbel Province.
Nineteen participants are taking part in the three-day workshop.