Relocation of Taro Not True: Kiloe

Rumour on relocation of Choiseul Province's provincial headquarter, Taro, is not true.

In an interview with Solomon Times, Premier Jackson Kiloe, said there's no relocation taking place "but we will be expanding Taro to other nearby communities."

"The idea came about after realizing that the size of Taro is getting very small as the population grows, and we have also noted that Taro is prone to natural disasters."

He said that instead of breaking down all the existing offices, the province is building in Choiseul Bay, the main land, as part of expanding the Province's capital.

He said what is in Taro will remain added to new offices already built in Choiseul Bay - one forestry office and some agriculture staff houses - as part of the expansion.

"We are not waiting on the government to help us because we are trying to attract people of Choiseul Province residing and working in Honiara to come to our province to help develop it," the Premier said.

"We feel that the national government must support what we are trying to do in order to avoid urban drift."

Mr. Kiloe said the main idea of expanding Taro is to "spread development closer to the people."