Reconciliation Talks Begin

Talks for formal reconciliation between Guadalcanal and Malaita provinces have commenced in Honiara.

Premiers from the two provinces are leading their respective delegations to the talks.

The talks were officially opened by the Minister for National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace Sam Iduri, outlining the theme and objectives of the two-day talks.

"The theme of these talks is building bridges between Guadalcanal and Malaita provinces towards sustainable peace and co-existence, and the objective is to create rapport between Guadalcanal and Malaita provinces, discuss issues and agree on the reconciliation issues affecting both provinces and agree on a way forward for reconciliation."

The Minister says government supports the dialogue on reconciliation between the two provincial governments because both provinces were badly affected during the ethnic tension.

He says sustainable peace and unity of Solomon Islands depends on the peace, unity and cooperation of people from all provinces.