RAMSI Withdrawal A Long Term Process

RAMSI head,Nicholas Coppell stated withdrawal is also about stepping back to create space for the RSIPF to take the lead. ramsi.org

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands, RAMSI, has revealed that it will be withdrawing it's personnel from provincial police posts around the country over the next two years.

Speaking last Friday at the opening of eleven new houses for police officers at Tetere Police Station on East Guadalcanal RAMSI Head Nicholas Coppell says this is to allow the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force to take more responsibility fro the security of Solomon Islands.

Mr Coppell says this transition is a long term process and is about RAMSI stepping back to create space for the RSIPF to step up and take the lead.

He however clarifies that RAMSI will not be simply walk away, nor will they leave abruptly,but the transition will be a steady measured process designed to ensure that the RSIPF officers have the space to lead and the time to gain crucial community support to do their jobs.