RAMSI Sponsors Free Music Concert

On Saturday 28 June, RAMSI will be sponsoring a free concert at the Cultural Village in Honiara and the event is open to everyone who wants to attend.

Australian Country and Western singer Beccy Cole will perform, accompanied by blues guitarist Cass Eager and a rock band headed by Claire Clarke. A number of local acts are also hoped to be showcased.

The performers are in the Solomon Islands as part of a tour which is organised by the Australian Government to travel the world and visit countries where Australian military and police are working.

RAMSI Special Coordinator Tim George said that given the upcoming 30th Anniversary celebrations, RAMSI wanted to make this gift to the people of the Solomon Islands.

"Music is such a big part of the culture of Solomon Islands," he said. "RAMSI's pleased to be able to share some of Australia's own musical culture with the people of Honiara."

The Honiara concert, which will be held on Saturday at the Cultural Village, will start at 2pm and will finish at 4pm. All are welcome and it is free of charge.