RAMSI Launches Video Documentary

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) has launched a video documentary and a booklet recording the work of the Mission as it celebrates its 10th anniversary this week.

The video documentary and booklet were launched at a ceremony attended by Pacific Islands Forum Leaders who are attending the anniversary celebrations in Honiara as well as local dignitaries.

At the launch of the video documentary and the booklet, RAMSI Special Coordinator, Nicholas Coppel said: “RAMSI has played an important part in the history of Solomon Islands and we would like to ensure the young generation has some understanding of the past when they are discussing the future directions for their nation. I believe both the video documentary and the booklet are valuable records of the first ten years of RAMSI in the Solomon Islands.”

The one-hour video documentary called, “Helpem Fren – Rebuilding a Pacific Nation” captures, predominantly through the eyes of Solomon Islanders, the desperation of the tension years, the requests to Australia for assistance, the unique nature of the regional response, the early successes of the Solomon Islands-RAMSI Partnership, the long-term achievements of economic growth and the return to law and order.

“It is important that the nation does not forget how bad things were during the tensions,” Mr Coppel said.

The video documentary also tracks setbacks, such as the riots of April 2006, and the challenges that remain.

The booklet titled: “Re-building a Nation: Ten years of the Solomon Islands – RAMSI Partnership” matches the style and sentiments of the 10th anniversary video documentary.

It includes core chapters written predominately by Solomon Islanders on law and justice, policing, economy, governance and a chapter looking forward to the future and the challenges ahead for Solomon Islands.

The production of the RAMSI 10th anniversary video documentary and the booklet were coordinated by the Mission’s Public Affairs Unit.


Source: Press Release, RAMSI Public Affairs