Put School Drop-Outs to Good Use

As school results come in, many that were unfortunate not to make it are now left wondering, where to from here?

Various local newspapers have published forms three, five, six and seven results and although there are now more placements, not many made it.

A Saint Stephen Pamua secondary teacher, George Qwarea, said that with the high number of students in the country, only some will be lucky to further their studies while most will be unfortunate "only because we don't have enough space to accommodate the large number".

He said this should be a wake-up call for the government who must do something to cater for those drop out students who are now left roaming the streets aimlessly.

"We need a strong policy on technical training, and also government support in terms of funding...this will really help curb the problem of school drop outs every year."

Mr. Qwarea said that as a teacher, he has concern for all students who could not further their education.

"Life is not getting any easier in our country and one cannot survive with the ongoing inflation on almost everything in our country," he added.

He said the restless young crowd needs to be supported "because most drop-outs are smart but these are unfortunate youths who just missed the marginal line".

Mr. Qwarea said that with technical training many of these young people could have a second chance in life.

"Everyone deserves a second chance," he said.