Public Lashes Out at Arrest of Women on Fishing Vessels

The recent arrest of six women, on board foreign fishing vessels, has brought strong rebuke from Honiara residents.

Mr. Hugene Sigimanu, a long time Honiara resident, said that such practices come with serious consequences. "These young girls should know what they are engaged in is literally a danger to their lives."

"There should be strict ground rules set by the responsible authorities on these foreign fishing vessels," said Mrs. Primula, a concerned mother. "They should set time limit on all of these foreign fishing vessels once they arrive in Honiara." She said that the longer they stay, the more they may be tempted to engage in these practices.

"They only bring shame to themselves...the risk they might be bringing into the country, in terms of Sexually Transmitted Infections, is very scary...everyone know this may lead to death," sated Mr Crispin, a dock worker fed up with young girls putting themselves in harms way.

Melita, a high school student, blamed such illegal and dangerous practice to the huge unemployment populace in Solomon Islands, particularly Honiara. "This is the bigger problem that should be addressed...this is the cause, forcing these girls to make money this way."

Dr. Derek Sikua, in Parliament, has promised to look into the issue seriously, promising dire consequences to those engaged in such illegal practice.