Provincial Leaders to Observe Next Parliament Meeting

Leaders of the six provinces who participated in the recent Provincial Speakers and Clerks Attachment will observe the next National Parliament meeting that should resume mid this year.

This is part of their training conducted by the National Parliament and the NCRA Government through the Provincial Governance Strengthening Program (PGSP).

Provincial Leaders to observe in Parliament includes the Provincial Account Committees and Provincial Elected Leaders as well as the Provincial Speakers and Clerks.

Ministry for Provincial Government's Permanent Secretary, Lennis Rukale, confirmed to National Express yesterday that this is the second part of the Provincial Leaders' Attachment aimed at boosting the proper governance in the provincial governments.

The former Minister for Provincial Government, Walter Folotalu, told the recent Provincial Speakers and Clerks Attachment that the local elected leaders' training shall cover subject matters which shall help them to formulate policies, development strategies and management.

The local elected leaders' training aimed at fulfilling the promises to the Provincial Premiers during the Buala Premiers' Conference in October last year, in response to demands for a well coordinated capacity building of elected members from various provinces.

Mr. Folotalu said the initiatives aimed to fulfill the PGSP purposes on local development management with an expected intermediate outcome of poverty reduction and achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in Solomon Islands.

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