Provincial Government Minister Cautions Premiers

The Minister for Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening Bradley Tovosia cautions Provincial Premiers that the communiqué produced by the end of the week must contain issues that are achievable.

He reminded those present that rural development is a major part of the new government's mandate under its policy to develop the rural areas of Solomon Islands to create wealth for the rural populace.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tovosia said the question of the introduction of the state government system in the country is ongoing and the Philip-led government is in support of the process to bring it to fruition.

He also told the Premiers, that the Central Government is trying it's very best to meet all development needs of the provinces. Mr. Tovosia said the process to get there is sometimes frustrating but reminded that it is part of the system to ensure there are compliance, transparency and accountability in their dealings and transactions.

Provincial Premiers from Western, Choiseul, Makira, Central Islands, Rennell Bellona, Guadalcanal, Malaita, Isabel, the deputy Premier of Temotu province and a representative of the Honiara City Council are currently in Buala attending the 4th annual Premiers' Conference.